Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Spring reopening

We had another couple over for drinks this past Friday. For us it was the ceremonially breaking of the ice if you will. They are from a bigger out-of-state city and were in town visiting her parents. The invitation was extended, followed by the long pause of hesitation. Was this a safe idea? As it turns out some social interaction, with appropriate distancing, is just what we needed. We chatted away on the patio while Jackson ran around the yard playing. What a beautiful Spring we are having this year.

It is said the air has become drastically cleaner over some of the largest cities in the world. People in the Indian city of Jalandhar can see the Himalayan mountains in the distance for the first time in 30 years. While we might not notice cleaner air here, I have noticed the quietness. It is almost jarring to hear a commercial airliner pass over now. That is not to say it has been all quiet, but rather different noises have filled the air. Noises I would rather hear, like neighbors saying hello as they pass on the street or the sound of my son’s laughter as he explores our yard. I am also hearing neighbors working in their yards and tackling those dusty to-do list. The birds have been talking a lot more lately. Without us drowning them out maybe they are catching up with friends as well. 

None of this is to say that real suffering doesn’t exist right now. There is much financial and political uncertainty out there. If we allow ourselves to be sucked into the news, we can believe this is the worst of times. I’ve seen too much grace over these past many weeks to believe that. As things begin returning to the “new normal” as it is being called, we have many decisions to make as a community.  Some are practical changes, slight changes in behaviors, but others I feel will take much longer to work out. As our friends left in proper Southern style, invitations were extended to come try this storied barbeque joint near their house in Memphis. 

We accepted without hesitation.

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