Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Hurricane Dorian

Well here we go again. Just about this time last year we were evacuating to Florida to escape hurricane Florence with our newborn son. Florence scared us both because of the intensity, scale of the storm, and the fact we were new parents. Dorian is a different storm. even as it ravaged the Bahamas, I never felt we were in eminent danger. This storm is tracking close to Matthew, which downed a few trees at our house but did not leave much damage.
This past weekend we had all our families in town for Jackson's first birthday. The whole time though we had this lingering feeling of preparation in the back of our minds. As soon as the families were on the road, we hit the ground running with preparations. I secured everything in the yard and we stocked up on groceries. By Wednesday afternoon I felt confident that we could weather the storm and handle anything that happens. Still it gives you pause having a one year old that is totally depending on you and doesn't understand the situation. We would appreciate your thoughts and prayers as we ride this storm out. Also please consider donating to the Red Cross for relief efforts in the Bahamas.

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