Thursday, July 14, 2011

Finally...our vacation has arrived!  Now we just have to wait for the plane.
Justin took us to drop off Dakota at "Doggie Camp" and bring us to the airport on his way to work, so we have had plenty of time for people watching in the Charlotte airport while we wait for our flight to Chicago.  It is interesting to observe all of the different people and how they choose to travel.  In proper Southern style, I always make sure to look nicely dressed when I travel, but some people look like they have just rolled out of bed.  I understand the desire to be comfortable, but I just have to question some of the fashion choices that I see roaming through the airport.  Carry-on items are another personal favorite to pick out.  I think I could have a list of scavenger hunt items and could collect them from various people in the airport.  So far this morning, we have seen: boogie boards, skate boards, guitars, stuffed animals (carried by adults without children), a child's tiny Cars rolling suitcase (hardly even worth having wheels considering it was smaller than the size of my laptop), a plethora of animal print luggage, cardboard boxes, trash bags, and a dog that was refusing to walk any further.  Time to get back to the people watching and board the plane.  See you in Chicago!

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