Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Kitchen Addition Part 6

In the month since our last update things have started coming together. Big thanks to Nichiha for sending their regional installer trainer down to my house for a day. He was able to get me started and show how all the parts and pieces go together. My dad came down the following weekend and we were able to get over half the panels installed.  It definitely is a sharp looking product and is turning out better than I expected. We also started tackling the rotted and uneven floor situation in the house. We got on the drywallers schedule and spent a couple of weeks finishing out everything in the walls. My dad was able to come back again this past weekend and we made significant progress.  The drywall guys started Monday this week. It's amazing the transformation when going from exposed studs to having drywalled spaces. We hope to order cabinets and flooring in the next couple weeks and have this project wrapped in the next couple of months just in time for Spring.

Exterior Nichiha Panels being installed

Laundry Room ready for drywall

Kitchen space ready for drywall

Bar with drywall

Drywall in Kitchen

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