Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Kitchen Addition

Unfortunately it has been sometime since our last post. Life has been busy. We have acquired a new dog, which will be the subject of his own entry soon. We have also begun preparing for the kitchen and mud room addition onto the house. For those of you that know us well, this has been a project in the works for some time now. Our original design was priced out by a local contractor and came in way over budget, like double. But no worries, nothing like blowing the budget to prompt creative thinking. The new design addressed some of the issues with the original plan and ultimately turned out to be a more functional design. The price also came in on budget.
We have purchased our new appliances. I know that seems backwards, but the 4th of July sales at Home Depot were too good to pass up and nothing like the pressure of knowing a huge shipment of appliances are arriving in 90 days to motivate you to get going. Ben finished the plans and they are in for a permit with Georgetown County. He has also been preparing the backyard for construction by finishing the demolition and clearing a path for the construction crews. Johanna has been finalizing finish selections and laying out the cabinets.  We hope to break ground by the end of the month and make significant progress over the next two months. 

Stay tuned for weekly updates.

Addition will come out 12' from the back of the house. 

Current state of the back of our house 
Early sketch of our re-design

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