Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Southern Snow and Ice

The last several weeks have been a roller coaster ride of weather. It can be 70 degrees and sunny on the weekends, and by Tuesday we have freezing temperatures with frozen precipitation. Round 1 and Round 2 were almost night and day storm systems, resulting in drastic differences.

Round 1: Snow and Ice, January 21-22
This was a nice little winter weather storm, even though the roads were a little icy. There was minimal damage in the area. No power outages at our home. No limbs down. 
 First Snow in our new home
 Little Icicles
 Beautiful bare fig tree
 Some long icicles
 The only snowman to be found

Round 2: Freezing Rain & Ice, February 11-12
This was just gross. It has been so cold, rainy, and wet. As the day progressed, the trees got coated in ice and the rain continued to fall. Limbs of trees began to fall. Power flickered at the house and at work. Trees and power lines were down on our street and in the country club. We were lucky to just have some limbs fall, but our poor storage shed fell victim to a brutal blast from a falling limb.
 Our driveway covered in fallen limbs
 One of our oaks snapped into our neighbor's yard 
 Little shed was not as lucky :(
 Frozen fig tree
 Pelican icicles
 More limbs down - smelling the fresh scent of pine 
Live oak touching the "Loop"

Thankfully, through all of this, we are safe and came out mostly unscathed. Our cars were not damaged. We didn't lose any trees completely. We have consistently had power and heat. We think ole Punxsutawney Phil was right in his prediction of six more weeks of winter! We have definitely been experiencing the "winter blast."

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