Monday, January 14, 2013

Happy New Years

2012 has rolled into the ages, leaving us with but memories.  For Clemson fans it ended on a much much higher note than it began. This year brought much joy and some great new beginnings.  While there were definite moments of sadness and many regrets of uncompleted task, 2012 will be remembered as a year of new starts.  While we didn't keep our goal of reading 50 books or camping every month, we did find new jobs, got engaged, and bought a house.  Shows how the best laid plans are often not the ultimate path we take.
2013 offers the same promise each new years does - a fresh chance. We hope you will join us for not only the path we plan to take but also for the unexpected joys that arise along the way. You, our friends, mean the world to us and we can't wait to share time with you all this year.

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