Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Plantation Tour - Chicora Wood

Another stop on the Home and Plantation Tour was the lovely property of Chicora Wood.  Chicora Wood is a very large estate backing up to the Pee Dee River, which was another rice-producing plantation.  The current owners have restored the entire estate, including the gardens, the main house, the original house (back wing), and numerous outbuildings.  The house is also notable for being the home of Mrs. John Julius Pringle (Elizabeth), who is the author of A Woman Rice Planter, and she lived, planted rice, and wrote at the home until her death in 1921.  The grounds were stunning, and it was evident that the owners have spent a lot of time and effort to restore this property to its current state.


  1. Thanks for sharing your nice photos of this lovely place. I guess you know that this property is now for sale?

    1. Yes, it has been on the market for a couple years now. Perhaps the owners would be willing to cut a deal with a young Architect & Interior Designer couple that would cherish and maintain the history of the place. :-):-)
