Monday, May 9, 2011

Rockin' Chair

We'd like for you to take a journey with us. We have no preconceived notions about where this journey may go, but we both feel we are here in a special place - the South.  I'm sure this blog will eventually include stories about far off exotic places around the world, but rest assured they will always end with us returning back here.  We were both born here and while I can't speak with certainties on life's plans, I have a feeling we both shall return one day to the soil here. Many greater writers than us have spent a lifetime describing why that is the case. I don't know if we intend to do the same, we are just here to tell a story - our story. 
At its fundamental level a rocking chair is just a place to sit. But naturally that isn't why porches across the South are proliferated with them. It is the experience that transcendences it from a mere chair to a place. The stories that told from the well worn arms and faded cushions weave together making the South more than just a geographically place, but a place rooted deep in its residents.  That is our desire here, not a literal documentation of the South but rather a presentation of our South. The stories may not always involve quote "Southern" things, but keep in mind they are all told from our perspective which is inherently southern.  So we hope you'll come along and be apart of our story. 

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