Saturday, June 17, 2023

Hey Boo Boo they forgot the pic-a-nic basket

For this year's 4th of July trip, we headed to Camp Jellystone Golden Valley in North Carolina. The resort had been recommended to us and glancing through the booking website we could see it was going to be an action packed week. 
Our tiny house cabin was pretty cool, we have always wanted to stay in one and this was the perfect opportunity. Surprisingly it was quite accommodating for four adults and two kids. We arrived late afternoon on Sunday the 3rd and had some slight rain showers. 
On July 4th, Jackson and I went to do the pledge with Boo Boo bear. We then went fishing with Pops. Jackson loves fishing, for about 10 minutes. Then if we haven't caught anything, he decides the fish are sleeping and we need to go do something else. We did the arts and craft activity of the day - tie-dye shirt making. Jackson's shirt came out pretty cool, unfortunately the kids small is still huge on him. We then did the 4th of July Golf Cart Parade and went to the waterpark. This alone is worth the trip. We had tons of fun. 
All day Tuesday the 6th, we hung out at the waterpark. Jackson had a blast going down the two big slides over and over. We were exhausted!
Wednesday was the activity day. We did mini-golf, gem mining, scavenger hunt, arts & crafts, glow stick party with Boo Boo, and Hey Hey ride. After the evening shower (3 for 3 at this point) ended we grilled steaks.
Thursday we tried our luck and fishing again. When this failed, Jackson and I decided to go on the hiking trail. There were no warning signs this was going to be a strenuous hike and I ended up carrying Jackson for large portions up and down slippery, steep mountain sides. But we made it and he was so excited that we had accomplished our goal. We did some more activities and then hit the waterpark up again later that afternoon. We decided the lake activities might be a bit much for Jackson right now. 

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

One Big Holiday

The past year and a half since our last post have certainly brought about much change. We hope you will forgive our gap in posts, but a brief summary of the time will perhaps explain some of our negligence. Ben's firm closed their Pawley's office at the end of July due to COVID slow down with projects. After a search around the region, he secured a position with McMillan Pazdan Smith in Greenville, SC. Johanna's firm has an office there, so she was able to transfer. 

The need to sell our house in Pawleys set off a mad dash to finish our lingering renovation project. In the span of just a few months, we were able to finish the exterior of the house, finish the kitchen addition, completely gut and remodel the master bathroom, replace the upstairs flooring, and build the second floor deck. By November we were ready to list the house and as expected it sold within the first week. We were quite proud of the final result and really hated leaving our modern Pawleys house. 

After a few visits to Greenville, we were able to find a wonderful house in a neighborhood that is super kid friendly. This was one of our main requirements, along with 4 bedrooms (spoiler alert for later in this post). As soon as Christmas was over, the final push for packing began. We ended up closing our Pawleys house in the morning and drove to Greenville to close on our new house that afternoon. 

In our first month in Greenville, Jackson was able to experience his first snow. He thought it was tons of fun, until some snow got down his jacket. Then it was too cold and time to head inside for hot chocolate! 

We made a trip to Kentucky in February to pick up Ben's Maker's Mark bottles from his bachelor party trip in 2013. The rest of the spring was spent unpacking, exploring Greenville, and watching Jackson grow into an amazing little toddler. Both of our jobs have been extremely busy all year. Clients are catching up from the pause in 2020. In May, we went to the PGA Championship in Kiawah with Tony, Brian, and Katie. 

In July we took our first big family vacation to Gatlinburg. We had an action packed week and Jackson still talks about our trip. 

In August, Jackson turned three with an awesome pool party. He is growing up so fast and his personality is full of laughter and empathy. For Halloween he was Cat Boy from PJ Mask and Ben was the villain, Romeo. We also took Jackson to his first Clemson game, or as he calls it the "Go Tigers game."  He had a ton of fun and still talks about it all the time. Looks like we have a future Tiger on our hands!  
Even with all the fun, the biggest event this fall was preparing for the arrival of baby #2. We converted the fourth bedroom into a beautiful nursery and mentally prepared Jackson for having a little sister. He was incredibly sweet during the whole pregnancy and would always ask how baby Hollis was doing inside mommy. 
Hollis arrived promptly on schedule on Dec 24th, which made Christmas quite special and different this year. We even had Santa delay coming for a day, so we could all be home with Jackson for "Christmas" morning. She has been a very chill baby and Jackson has been a gentle big brother. It was quite special closing out what has been an incredibly busy, stressful, chaotic year by completing our sweet family of four. 

Stay tune for hopefully more frequent post of our adventures in 2022!

Monday, June 15, 2020

Brookgreen Bruce Munro Installation

Outside Night of a Thousand Candles, visitors to Brookgreen experience the gardens during the daylight hours. This installation from internationally known artist Bruce Munro allows visitors a unique opportunity to immerse themselves into the nighttime environment of the gardens. The exhibit is arranged in different areas of the garden creating a series of interconnected "rooms." Each space is illuminated with fiber optic lighting.
The first room, Water-Towers, consist of mason jars stacked into pillars that slowly change colors. 

The second room, Time and Again, occupies the lawn in front of Pegasus and features radial disc 

After Pegasus you enter the main part of the gardens and are able to wander around, discovering the various installations within the walls. 
Lights illuminating the gardens

Room 3, Hive, in the old Kitchen Bell Tower, complete with the sound of buzzing bees. 

The frogs, Okonjima Choral Society, (sorry we'll get a better picture next time). This was really cool, and possibly Jackson's favorite. The eyes blinked randomly and the sounds of the real frogs in the marsh croaking creative an immersive experience of light and sound. Johanna and I were able to help assemble these frogs and laid out the grouping in the front of the photo as volunteers back in March. 

Room 5, Fireflies, consisted of fiber optic points of light at ground level. This was the weakest part of the exhibit, especially if you have seen the Oak Allee at Christmas time. 

Room 6, Field of Lights, was by far the most impressive exhibit. Over 11,000 individually placed orbs illuminate the Arboretum in an field of colors that slowly change with time. 

Another view of the lights and some fancy camera work by Johanna. 

Ben and Jackson enjoying the lights. 

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Spring reopening

We had another couple over for drinks this past Friday. For us it was the ceremonially breaking of the ice if you will. They are from a bigger out-of-state city and were in town visiting her parents. The invitation was extended, followed by the long pause of hesitation. Was this a safe idea? As it turns out some social interaction, with appropriate distancing, is just what we needed. We chatted away on the patio while Jackson ran around the yard playing. What a beautiful Spring we are having this year.

It is said the air has become drastically cleaner over some of the largest cities in the world. People in the Indian city of Jalandhar can see the Himalayan mountains in the distance for the first time in 30 years. While we might not notice cleaner air here, I have noticed the quietness. It is almost jarring to hear a commercial airliner pass over now. That is not to say it has been all quiet, but rather different noises have filled the air. Noises I would rather hear, like neighbors saying hello as they pass on the street or the sound of my son’s laughter as he explores our yard. I am also hearing neighbors working in their yards and tackling those dusty to-do list. The birds have been talking a lot more lately. Without us drowning them out maybe they are catching up with friends as well. 

None of this is to say that real suffering doesn’t exist right now. There is much financial and political uncertainty out there. If we allow ourselves to be sucked into the news, we can believe this is the worst of times. I’ve seen too much grace over these past many weeks to believe that. As things begin returning to the “new normal” as it is being called, we have many decisions to make as a community.  Some are practical changes, slight changes in behaviors, but others I feel will take much longer to work out. As our friends left in proper Southern style, invitations were extended to come try this storied barbeque joint near their house in Memphis. 

We accepted without hesitation.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Hurricane Dorian

Well here we go again. Just about this time last year we were evacuating to Florida to escape hurricane Florence with our newborn son. Florence scared us both because of the intensity, scale of the storm, and the fact we were new parents. Dorian is a different storm. even as it ravaged the Bahamas, I never felt we were in eminent danger. This storm is tracking close to Matthew, which downed a few trees at our house but did not leave much damage.
This past weekend we had all our families in town for Jackson's first birthday. The whole time though we had this lingering feeling of preparation in the back of our minds. As soon as the families were on the road, we hit the ground running with preparations. I secured everything in the yard and we stocked up on groceries. By Wednesday afternoon I felt confident that we could weather the storm and handle anything that happens. Still it gives you pause having a one year old that is totally depending on you and doesn't understand the situation. We would appreciate your thoughts and prayers as we ride this storm out. Also please consider donating to the Red Cross for relief efforts in the Bahamas.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Kitchen Addition Part 8 - Appraisal Day

Today seemed like an excellent time for an update. The house was appraised for a home equity loan. This past week knowing the appraisal was coming has been an all out blitz. Special thanks to my dad, Meliza, Jeff, Deb, and Dana's landscape crew for all of their helping making this possible. Johanna at full term pregnancy was up till midnight last night caulking and painting trim. We still have a few more weeks worth of finish out to do, but the house looks great right now. So without rambling on too much here are some photos from today:

From entry 


Our bedroom

Ben's Loft Office (with new bathroom vanity)

Wet Bar

Guest Room (come visit!)

New Kitchen!!

Kitchen from Keeping room (doors and drywall to be hung in foreground)

View down hallway

Coffee Bar



Goose leading the tour

View through pocket door

Living room

Wet bar

Dining Room

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Kitchen Addition Part 7

Spring has arrived and it finally feels like the project is starting to come together. However Spring is also a busy time of year with Carolina Cup, our birthdays, and what seems like a never ending list of "must attend" events. Work has also been busy for both of us. Even with all these distractions we have managed to move the addition forward even if progress is slowly than expected.
Since the last post almost two months ago, the drywallers finished their first area of work, electricians came back to wire in devices, and my dad and I got the HVAC registers moved to new locations. We have finished the sub-floor, which was no easy task considering the existing house has some odd settlement throughout. (There is a slight ramp, but you'll have to find it.) And probably the bigger task was finally selecting a flooring. We are going with a vinyl plank flooring from Home Depot's Lifeproof collection.
I was able to finish the Nichiha panels around the screen porch and building one set of stairs up to the porch. Johanna has been priming the walls and ceiling. She also helped me install the shiplap in the mudroom. It came out looking amazing.
Our kitchen cabinets arrived, which was quite a sight having 75 boxes stacked up all through out our house! We have started assembling the cabinets, which is a fairly easy process once you get an assembly line method going. Johanna's mom and my dad have both helped with the cabinets. My dad and I were able to get the upper cabinets in the mudroom and kitchen hung this weekend.
We have finished framing the new doorway for the old laundry room and removed the last piece of the old kitchen, the sink. Thanks to Frank for his help with that demo work.
Over the next couple of weeks we plan to have the drywallers, plumbers, and electricians back to totally finish out the remainder of the first floor work. The flooring install will be a huge task, so we are starting to prep for that by cleaning out furniture to move. The cabinet install will resume once drywallers are finished and then we can order countertops. The porch should come together quickly once we have ordered the deck boards and trim material. Doors and hardware have also been ordered. We will try to keep posting more pictures as things come together.
 First of March, drywall done
 Removed old double doors, makes hallway feel much larger
 Johanna installing shiplap
 Final product (still need to do window trim)
 Staircase #1
 Cabinet delivery. Anybody want to work the assembly line?
 Our azaleas were magnificent this year!
 Current Mudroom after this weekend
Current Kitchen after this weekend